Maggie’s Thought for the Month: You Become What You Think

We live in a world where people constantly question if they look good enough, have all the ‘essential’ material things, and take the best vacations. Maybe we should place more emphasis on what we think.

Maggie was a thinker. Her mix of Border Collie and Shetland made her a great thinker. I was always amazed at how quickly she accomplished those doggie ‘brain games’ that was suppose to occupy your dog for hours.  Maggie would stare at a rabbit hole for hours- just waiting for the rabbit to appear-because she knew eventually it would come out. She would find the best spot in the yard to hear the ice cream truck before anyone in the neighborhood knew it was nearby. Maggie was a thinker- and her thinking resulted in positive outcomes.

As humans, our lives are myriads of ups and downs. At times, it may be easier to think that life is difficult and things will never get better. Maybe it is during our most difficult times that we must think positively. Our thoughts are revealed in the way we present ourselves, the way we treat others, and the way we respond to every day life events.

What will your thoughts make you become today?

‘The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you think it’s permanent then it’s permanent. If you think you’ve reached your limits then you have. If you think you’ll never get well then you won’t. You have to change your thinking. You need to see everything that’s holding you back, every obstacle, every limitation as only temporary.’  Joel Osteen

Maggie’s Thought for the Month: Don’t Let Your Environment Determine Your Life


Everyone experiences a time in their life when they feel stuck, knocked down, or in a hopeless situation. The desire to take the easy way out and say ‘this is where I was born’ or ‘this is the hand I was dealt’ is not only unhealthy for you to accept, but also unhealthy to accept from others in your environment.

Maggie never liked crowds. If we went to the park, she preferred to play fetch with me at a far distance from the other dogs. She accepted a few dogs in her circle of friends, but they were similar in her preference for no rough play and enjoying the view on the hiking trails. If Maggie didn’t like the environment she was placed in, she got up and walked away.

As adults, when our environment becomes unhealthy, we often ask ourselves how we can change to adapt to the surroundings. Other times, we just accept the situation and start to believe that a continuous circle of drama is normal. Our healthy environment can be invaded by people who constantly share their life drama, as if to seek approval that it is normal to have constant turmoil. When we believe or someone in our environment believes this, it is often referred to as the need to play ‘victim’ and crave other’s sympathy.

Why do we think like this and how can we change our mindset? Maybe the solution is as simple as remembering what Maggie did- get up and walk away…no barks or apologies needed.

Maggie’s Thought for the Month: It’s Okay to Walk Away

Everyone has a time in their life when they come to a crossroad. The hardest decision is choosing whether to stay or walk away.

Maggie never appeared to worry when she made a choice to walk away from a guest in our home or go to a quiet room when a summer party got too loud. She always knew lamb chops were a good choice for dinner, and whatever was cooking on the barbecue was worth the wait to stand by the cook and stare with her ‘puppy eyes’ to get a treat.

Life sometimes places obstacles in our path and we have to decide what choice is best for us. We can ask family, friends, mentors for advice- but in the end, the final decision has to come from you. The results of your decision will affect you, and only you. Sure, walking or staying may impact the people close to you, but it is you who has to live with the choice- so choose wisely.

Maggie always knew if she was staying or walking away. Maybe the secret is knowing when you come to a crossroad in life and decide to walk away…it is toward something that makes you happy.

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Maggie’s Thought for the Month: Spring- A Time of Reflection & Evaluation

The arrival of spring means cleaning windows, putting away bulky coats & snow shovels, and preparing our yards for barbecues & picnics. I find spring is also a good time for reflecting & evaluating the direction of your life journey.

Maggie always appeared to be thinking. She would sit on the lawn or in her bed and have a look of deep contemplation. Her ears would perk up for a passing hawk or rabbit, but then she resumed her pose.  I’ll never know what she was thinking, but I admired her ability to just sit, observe and think.

As adults, our life is consumed with distractions. Maybe it would be nice to have a holiday declared just for thinking and reflecting all day. I created that day for myself when spring arrives. I take one day to think about my accomplishments for the year, things I could have done better, and the direction I want to move for the coming year. This activity seems to make sense with a season that begins the start of plants blossoming, animals coming out of hibernation, and humans making summer plans with family & friends.

Maggie was a happy dog. I like to think it had something to do with her wisdom to know the importance of everyone taking the time to sit and reflect on becoming their best self… I think the world would be a little kinder too.


Paws & Reflect: A Journal of Inspiration and Reflection




Maggie’s Thought for the Month: Inspire & Reflect

There are times in your life when all is well and you feel truly inspired. Other times, life is difficult, and you need to take time to reflect on past events & future choices. Is there ever a time when you can experience both emotions at the same time?

Maggie was a very smart dog. She knew when someone needed her head on their knee to make them smile. Other times, it was a squeaky toy in your ear to convince you to get off the couch and play. Her quickness to learn new things always inspired me to teach her more, and often had me reflect on how she could be so smart without ever saying a word.

Maggie is an author. Her book, ‘Paws & Reflect: A Journal of Inspiration & Reflection’, was released in mid-October. The book contains fifty thoughts from Maggie, with the opposing page offering a space for the reader to write their daily reflections for the week. The book inspired me to continue writing Maggie’s monthly blogs, because every month I receive emails from readers telling me how much they love Maggie. The book also provided me with a time of reflection. The publishing process involved the mixed emotions of feeling elated to see Maggie in print, but also sad because I lost my little buddy when she was only five years old.

Can a person feel inspired & reflective at the same time? I say yes….Maggie’s book will inspire you with her wisdom, and encourage you to reflect on your life choices- past & future.

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Maggie’s Thought for the Month: Don’t Walk Around Leaves

The month of October has arrived, and in New England that means leaf piles everywhere. If you are a dog owner, this also means extra long stops at those pile of leaves for sniffing & scratching.

Maggie loved the fall. She enjoyed chasing the leaves as they fell from the trees, or having me throw a handful of leaves on top of her. Our morning walks heard the crunch of leaves from her paws and my sneakers. Maggie never walked around the leaf piles, she always walked thru them. She seemed to have a smile on her face while doing it, and a look of satisfaction when making it thru the very tall piles.

As a child, I would jump in leaf piles and lay flat on my back looking at the sky. As an adult, I see leaf piles and think about the task of raking, preparing the yard for winter, and dreading the shorter days of sunshine. However, when I walked with Maggie thru the leaf piles, the walks seemed a bit more fun and had me kicking the leaves along with her. It made me reflect on those childhood memories of the fall season.

Maybe we can experience the same childhood pleasures as an adult, but with a different purpose. As a child, walking thru a pile of leaves is just fun; maybe as an adult, walking thru a pile of leaves reminds us of the importance of acting like a child sometimes.

Maggie’s Thought for the Month: Life Always Comes Full Circle

Often times we can be in the middle of a ‘life storm’, and ask our self if it’s ever going to get better. The saying ‘Life Always Comes Full Circle’ may offer some peace of mind, and strength to keep paddling.

Maggie always liked her naps. She slept a lot as a puppy, before entering a very inquisitive stage- which also led to the terror of every chipmunk & squirrel in our yard. During the middle years of her life, morning walks were never missed no matter the weather or day of the week. I often wondered if there would be a day when I could sleep past five in the morning. As Maggie’s life circle was closing, she slept a lot more, and the morning walks became a little slower & not so long. Her life circle was shorter than others, but her circle was full of life.

I like to live my life on a five year plan. I enjoy setting goals,  analyzing the results, and- if they’re not accomplished- setting a new plan for success. I guess one could say my full circle is complete every five years. I watch people dwell on past mistakes or are fearful of life changes. They ask them self when life is going to get better, and then go back to their same circle of life.

I agree that life comes full circle, but there is no rule saying you only get one circle in life.

News & Announcements from Maggie & Me!

 Hello Everyone! I hope your summer was filled with adventures, relaxation and family & friends.

There are so many wonderful things to share in this welcome back update. The summer included saying goodbye to some, and opening the doors to new opportunities & challenges. Maggie and I would like to thank Hartline Agency for all their support & guidance during the last eleven years. We have learned so much about the publishing world, and will forever be thankful for allowing us the opportunity to part ways, while still knowing they are cheering & praying for our success. Another thank you to Helping Hands Press for the opportunity to learn the complicated world of book publishing & promotion. The Manciano Family series started because of your faith in the first story- ‘Legacy of Grandpa’s Grapevine’.

During this work year, Maggie will be releasing her book, ‘Paws & Reflection’. We hope to have it available before Thanksgiving. Maggie is placing some last minute paw updates on this very special reflection journal. The Manciano Family series will be available soon. I am taking complete ownership of this series, and thrilled to announce the story lines for the second & third stories of this series will be of the same quality as the first.

‘Legacy of Grandpa’s Grapevine’ will be available via a new independent publisher by the fall. The cover will be different, but the content will be the same- this needed to be done due to legalities with the former contract. Also, ‘Legacy of Grandpa’s Grapevine’ has been sent to Hallmark for consideration as a movie. Although many authors worry about the content of their stories being changed for movie scripts- I know if Hallmark decides to purchase the rights, they will maintain the value & morals of the characters & story line.

The second story in the Manciano Family series, ‘Mama’s Bookends’, will be rewritten to its original story line. Now, as an independent publisher, I do not have the restrictions while writing to accommodate a certain agency or publisher’s style or criteria. ‘Mama’s Bookends’, the rewrite, will provide the reader with a more in depth story line of the relationship between Elizabeth & Rose- and the sequence of events that lead to a major life change for Elizabeth.

During the social media marketing for ‘Paws & Reflect’, the fingers crossed for ‘Legacy of Grandpa’s Grapevine’ the movie, and the release of ‘Mama’s Bookends’ by mid-February- what else can you expect? I hope you continue to enjoy the monthly ‘Thoughts from Maggie’ blog. I will also continue to write my monthly travel blog- ‘Travels with Sissy’. I have enjoyed traveling and improving my photography skills with my brand new camera this summer!

A special thank you to all the new authors I have met this past year to help as I embark on many new exciting opportunities. The connections via social media has allowed me to meet veteran published authors, screenwriters, and reconnect with friends & former colleagues from years ago. I am thankful for those who continue to support me on social media, leave book reviews, and respond to my blogs- this dedication & support will not be forgotten.

It’s going to be a great year of positive changes!


Maggie’s Thought for the Month: Sometimes Nothing Is the Beginning of Something

We like to believe if one works hard and lives an honest life- hardships will be minimal and every problem will have a quick solution.  However, when life is like a roller coaster with heart-stopping dives and slow crawling climbs back up, how does one find the strength to keep believing this ride will end?

Maggie enjoyed her daily routine. The occasional hardships included trying to poop during a blizzard, or getting a very large stick into her dog house. At times, she had some dives when visiting veterinarians who gave her shots or forced pills down her throat. Maggie always remained calm during these ‘dips & crawls’ in life. She waited for the uncomfortable situation to end, as if knowing ‘this to shall pass, better days are ahead.’

We all experience highs and lows in our lifetime. Sometimes we have a strong support system, and other times we must overcome struggles on our own. In either situation, it is with determination and grit that we survive life’s hardships. It is our faith that allows us to understand the lesson- even when that lesson might not be answered within the time frame we would like.

When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.

Maggie’s Thought for the Month: Your Path, Your Destiny

Baby Maggie

I’ve heard the secret to living your destiny is to stop asking other people for directions. Everyone has an answer when helping another find the ‘right’ path in life.

Maggie was a wanderer. She loved to go hiking, and venture off the marked paths. Her tail would wag with delight, while her legs moved swiftly to keep up with a scent she was following. During these detours from the path, I often found the best landscapes to photograph.  Maggie never hesitated to walk the unknown, and she always enjoyed the journey.

Our world seems to be filled with people that follow a traditional path, or those that want to pave their own way. From my experiences, people following the untraditional path get asked a lot more questions. Maybe our world can also be divided by people who fear the unknown, and people who crave the excitement of the unknown. The times in my life when I didn’t know my destination, resulted in the most memorable experiences & life changing opportunities.

Everyone is unique.  Follow your own path. It just may lead to your destiny.